Families in Need; Need no Longer

Starting Dec. 10, Red Mountain clubs have been focused on the Adopt a Family event. There have been many families that have gotten to finally celebrate a good Christmas due to all of the supportive students and teachers.

Mike Peterson and the football crew adopted 5 families and were even able to provide an eight foot tall Christmas tree to a family in need. On top of that, one of their families donated $750 to the cause,” Ms. Whitaker said. “Thanks to the many caring and supportive people at Red Mountain who were willing to give these families a reason to enjoy Christmas.”

(Featured Photo by Hailee Gomez)

Fashion Friday

This week had some of the coolest days of school. Lots of students were dressed in shirts and pants partnered with a jacket for comfort. Maggie Admores showed off her unique style by sporting her favorite black sandals with a striped orange top.

(Photo By Adontee’a Phillips)

Preparing for Finals

Classes have started their preparations for their first semester finals. Students are studying in their classes so they are prepared for their finals. Red Mountain is already halfway through the 2018-19 school year and there is not much time left until students will eventually be taking second semester finals.

“Studying for finals is very stressful and takes up a lot of my time,” Freshman Chloe Van Tessel said,“I have been making flash cards for all of my vocabulary and going into my teachers classrooms to ask questions.”

Teachers are opening up their classrooms before school and during lunch so that students don’t just have extra time to ask them questions but to also get their work in before late work is due.

(Photo By Tia Ledsworth)

Cupcake Wars

Starting Tuesday December 11, Culinary had an amazing time having a mock “Cupcake Wars” competition. With everything from teams to judges, students quickly made their most festive cupcakes possible. Teachers enjoyed these cupcakes and graded on presentation and taste. Each team rushed to come up with their most creative cupcake possible. Congratulations to the winners!

(Featured Photo By Sage Crosby)

College Visits: Arizona State University

On Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018, Arizona State University will be on the Red Mountain High School campus to answer any questions seniors may have regarding financial aid applications. As of 2016, a total of 71,946 students were attending ASU with over 200 faculty members. ASU happens to be the number one choice of international students as it is in the top 100 best universities worldwide. Arizona State University provides 40 plus elite programs and is considered number five in the nation for producing the most qualified graduates.

(Photo Courtesy of Nick Schweitzer)

Winter Break is Just Around The Corner

A couple of days off school is what every person needs. Students stress about every little thing that they go through such as studying, getting everything turned in on time and their future of careers. People enjoy a moment of peace to have extra time to focus on themselves and family.

“I’m excited that I get a break from school and I get to see my family and friends,” sophomore William Walzer said.

As the moment students get off school to attend winter break approaches, students begin to realize that winter break isn’t just two weeks off school, but an opportunity to spend time with their friends and family.

Although students have a break from school, winter break doesn’t equate to not thinking about school. It also means to spend time with family, friends and loved ones. Winter break can be more than just looking at a screen; It can also be a time for adventures.

(Photo courtesy of Leslie Jacinto)

College of the Month: Chapman University

With 8,542 students enrolled, Chapman University stands as one of the top private universities in California. The university’s undergraduate program was ranked number one on the west coast with a total of 6,410 undergraduates and 2,132 graduates. The school was also listed as one of the top 10 law schools in the country. Built in 1861, the campus is located only 15 miles away from the beach. Chapman University has 110 areas of study, over 920 faculty members, and 50,000 plus alumni worldwide.


(Photo By Brooklyn Smith)

Hydro Flasks

Hydro’s have been popular lately. Hydro’s draw attention from the eyes with their bright colors and unique design. Also, stickers have brought a must needed design towards the style of hydro’s. Hydro Flasks have been known for keeping water cold and stylish. However, hydro flasks are expensive and can be quite heavy to hold which can leads to denting the hydro flask.

Junior, Megan Dingle said,“It was great and really convenient because I never used  to drink water. The only thing that would maybe be considered a struggle is the weight of it, but for me it just motivates me to drink more water in order to make it lighter”

Thus, having a hydro flask can really change your life. As it can motivate you to continue drinking water. Hydro flasks can be a bit pricey, but it can make an impact on yourself.

(Photo by Alondra Jacinto)


Marine Biology Club

Ran by Mr. Demassa, who also teaches Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems along with standard Biology, the Marine Biology club actively meets every day at lunch in room 150. Their meetings consist of cleaning out the fish tanks, feeding all the animals, and raising new lifeforms. The atmosphere is very relaxing yet fun as there is something from everyone. The club is home to a hedgehog, a snake, a chameleon, etc. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join.


(Featured photo by Mr. Demassa)

Winter Spectacular Special Guest

Earlier this week, Red Mountain got to witness some of the best of the best in performing arts. The winter spectacular is exactly what it sounds like– spectacular. With a combination of choir, band, and orchestra, this concert is like no other. This year, a special education member from the adaptive drama class got to conduct “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.”


(Photo by Sage Crosby)