“Are You Still Watching?” Recent Survey Reveals Popular Netflix Shows

     Relaxing on a comfy sofa with heavy eyelids while binge watching Netflix is a common past time for many. “The Office”, “Grey’s Anatomy”, “The Fosters”, Stranger Things”, “Breaking Bad” and “American Horror Story” are just some of the most popular shows on Netflix right now . A survey was conducted of around 110 students to see which Netlfix shows are the most popular. “The Office” came in first place with 14.9 percent of students saying that was their favorite show.

“The Office is funny and very entertaining to me,” sophomore William Walzer said.

“My favorite  character is Dwight because other than his seriousness he is very funny and he could be really relatable sometimes,” sophomore Emily Yaritza Meja Alejo said.

“I enjoy watching The Walking Dead,” sophomore Kevin Santos said. “I started watching the show since I was little and grew up with it.”

In general, people enjoy watching different shows because of their ow personal taste in genre. Watching a show is a great way to make memories and spend time with family and friends. 

(Featured Photo By Alondra Jacinto)

Winter Break is Just Around The Corner

A couple of days off school is what every person needs. Students stress about every little thing that they go through such as studying, getting everything turned in on time and their future of careers. People enjoy a moment of peace to have extra time to focus on themselves and family.

“I’m excited that I get a break from school and I get to see my family and friends,” sophomore William Walzer said.

As the moment students get off school to attend winter break approaches, students begin to realize that winter break isn’t just two weeks off school, but an opportunity to spend time with their friends and family.

Although students have a break from school, winter break doesn’t equate to not thinking about school. It also means to spend time with family, friends and loved ones. Winter break can be more than just looking at a screen; It can also be a time for adventures.

(Photo courtesy of Leslie Jacinto)

Hydro Flasks

Hydro’s have been popular lately. Hydro’s draw attention from the eyes with their bright colors and unique design. Also, stickers have brought a must needed design towards the style of hydro’s. Hydro Flasks have been known for keeping water cold and stylish. However, hydro flasks are expensive and can be quite heavy to hold which can leads to denting the hydro flask.

Junior, Megan Dingle said,“It was great and really convenient because I never used  to drink water. The only thing that would maybe be considered a struggle is the weight of it, but for me it just motivates me to drink more water in order to make it lighter”

Thus, having a hydro flask can really change your life. As it can motivate you to continue drinking water. Hydro flasks can be a bit pricey, but it can make an impact on yourself.

(Photo by Alondra Jacinto)


French Fanatics

French club is an exciting rompus of chatter and gossip about the French lifestyle and local gossip. The air smells sweet like pastries, of bread and chocolate. The club members taste crepes filled with Nutella, chocolate chips and a mouthful of whipped cream. For the students in Room 259, French Club is not just a club. It is a way of life and a place to connect with other people who are passionate about the French lifestyle.

“They are the most down to earth people you will ever meet,” president Jennifer Ramos said. “They are sweet and energetic people who are always willing to help anyone in need.”

AP French teacher and French Club sponsor Madame Bute loves meeting new members and welcomes everyone.

“Anyone who is curious about the world, loves learning different cultures and ways of thinking about new things should join French Club,” Madame Bute said.

Many French students enjoy the large turn out and diversity among club members.

“Members were good at doing henna designs for Tailgate. I think they all genuinely want to be part of this group,” junior Elena Flores said.

French Club looks forward to visiting the Phoenix Art Museum to see beautiful art in Arizona. For more information about the French Club, visit room 259.

(Featured Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Ramos)

Reading Music With Mackenzie

Playing the Clarinet brings a beautiful tune. It also requires lots of practice for Sophomore Mackenzie Hutchinson as high notes are a difficult criteria to handle. She believes in that high notes in music causes the musician to spend more time practicing as playing the clarinet can lead to full concentration and timing. Though her love for music keeps her clarinet busy, she also enjoys the environment of her group.

“The music and family is a friendly environment,” Hutchinson said.

How Do You Practice Self-Care?

Self-care can be the simplest thing, like taking time out of a busy day to wear a face mask or bathe with rose petals. It’s important to set time aside and learn to breathe and relax. High school students have a lot of weight on their shoulders. However, the littlest thing students can do is take time to unwind.

“I practice self-care because it’s necessary to make time for myself after being stressed about school and cross-country,” junior Sami Fredriksen said. “[I use] the soy cleanser by Fresh as well as bath bombs from Lush and Ulta.”

Overall self-care is not just about taking time for yourself but to learn what is needed for a peace of mind.

(Featured Photo By Alondra Jacinto)

Heather Jensen: Bringing Attention to Poetry

Junior Heather Jensen was awarded a National Poetry Award in Washington DC. Her newfound success puts a spotlight on our school as she has been mentioned in the East Valley Tribune, Fox 10 News, New York Times and the Washington Post.

“I still don’t believe I actually go the award,” Jensen said. “The best part has been being a part of the community of the other national student poets and talking to famous authors and poets while I was in DC.”

The students here at Red Mountain are very proud of Heather and her opportunity to spread poetry appreciation across the country. To learn more information about Heather’s background in her poem go to https://www.artandwriting.org/national-student-poets-program/meet-the-poets/heather-laurel-jensen/.

(Featured Photo Courtesy of Shannon Finney)