FFA Never Sleeps

Always on the move, FFA is assembling two different events within hours of the next one. On the same day October 19, 2019, FFA held two events back to back, one being their first car wash at Higley & Brown from 8:00-10:30am to raise funds for their trip to Indianapolis and a day volunteering at Mountain Bridge Community at Brown & Mountain Bridge Road from 12:30-6:30pm as a part of their regular program.

     FFA engaged in Halloween activities and games to help children have fun in a safe and friendly environment. 

     “It was a joy to spend time providing service for our local community, and the smiles on the children’s faces made it that much more worth it,” said senior Michael Stehl.

     Also, going back and forth between events allowed the chapter to have exponential bonding time as a team and friends. 

     “I love getting  to spend time with my students to watch them grow as a person while they help our community grow,” said advisor, Jennifer Cervantes, Advisor.  

     Even though they were continuously on the run, the students excitement never seemed to end. 

     “I thought I was not going to make it through the day, but getting to see the joy I brought to children made me want to stay even longer,” stated sophomore Tatum Carney.

     FFA dedicates most of their time to serving others within the community no matter the circumstances. If you want to know more about FFA follow their Instagram @redmountainffa or visit the clubs and activities page at mpsaz.org/rmhs

(Featured Photo by Aidan Current)