Sports Recap


The girls showed lots of determination and drive this season, remaining in the top 10 divisional ranking for Badminton.

“We played some of the best badminton teams in both the East and West Valleys and remained top 10 in our division,” Head Coach Borze said. “All of the girls won medals in the MPS City Tournament, and we made it to the quarter finals of the State tournament playoffs.”

Boys Golf

The Lions golfed an incredible season and pulled off a regional championship title.

“The team is full of life and loyalty,” Senior Gabe Velarde said. “Everyone definitely made my last year a year to remember and cherish.”

Girls Golf

Working their heart out and refusing to give up paid off with a fourth in state ranking for the Lady Lions.

“My hopes are to build on the success from this season and build Red Mountain Girls Golf into one of the top girls golf programs in the state,” new Head Coach Kain said.

Boys X-country

The Lions exceeded expectations coming off of this season in seventh place state ranking, the highest team ranking in 25 years for Red Mountain.

“We had a very senior heavy team, and the boys this year really bought into the long-term process of becoming champions,” Head Coach Selby said. “This was the year we had been waiting for over four years for, and the boys did such a great job being patient with their progression and coming together to form a great team.”

Girls X-Country 

Setting high goals for the season, the Lady Lions over-achieved, placing 10th in State.

“They ran really well and worked extremely hard during the year overall exceeding my expectations,” Head Coach Krieg said. “Next year we’ll tweak a few things but nothing major, just adapt to our players strong suits.”

Swim & Dive

The Lions achieved greatness this season with the girls surpassing a 20-year-old school record and the boys a 17-year-old one.

“It was a great year. Both boys and girls moved back into the top 10 at State,” Head Coach Peterson said. “Both teams won a big invitational and the girls took back their team City Championship.”

Girls Volleyball

The Lady Lions pulled off an astounding season, achieving higher rankings than the volleyball program has ever before.

“We made big strides to move our program in the right direction, obviously one of those being us winning the region, which we have never done before,” Head Coach Holck said.


The boys had an outstanding season this fall, finishing up in the top four of the playoffs.

“We had a great season finishing in a high ranking and barely losing in the playoffs to the number six ranked team in the country,” Head Coach Peterson said. “This upcoming year we are going to work hard and prepare because preparation is the precursor to success.”

Boys Soccer 

The Lions pushed on this winter and kept their heads held high, ending the season 5-6-1.

“Our team really came together this year and became a whole on the field,” senior Cade Strickland said. “I realized that we will win and we will lose, but most importantly, we will learn.”

Girls Soccer

Despite numerous injuries to players, the team was still able to make the playoffs by working together and supporting each other.

“I think we have improved as a program every season,” Head Coach Gallegos said. “I saw a lot of depth and talent this season in our players this year. We had so many injuries, but we were able to continue to pull up girls from JV and JV2 all season long.”

Boys Tennis

Starting the season off with a difficult schedule, the boys are at a current record of five wins and five losses.

“We can still finish the season strong, we’ve won the last couple and should be able to win the rest and then go into the State tournament,” Head Coach Graves said.

Girls Tennis  

The Lady Lions are persevering after a difficult start and need to win their last match in order to make and compete for a State championship.

“Our number one player, Mikaya Hamilton, did not play for the first six matches due to preseason injury. This put us behind as we should have won two other matches than we did,” Head Coach Langdon said. “Not exactly what we had hoped for, but we will fight to the end.”

Boys track

The boys are striving for greatness this season and the long practice hours are proving successful. Senior Trake Williams is setting multiple school records and the team is dominating meets.

“It looks as if we are going to have the most state qualifiers this season that Red Mountain has had in the past five years,” Head Coach Barge said. “These boys have been at it since this summer, and all the work they’ve put in is starting to show in a big way.”

Girls Track

So far the team is doing really well and is continuing to improve each day as the season passes by.

“Our girls are killing it this season, having won our own meet,” Head Coach Krieg said. “This is only the beginning, and I cannot wait to see what the rest of this season holds.”

Boys Volleyball

With a current record of 5-5 the Lions are fighting to be one as a team and come out of the season on top.

“The guys are working hard and starting to come together as a team,” Head Coach Simmons said. “Changes are happening all the time. We are realizing as a team that we may struggle in some places and we are working to fix those things.”


The boys are battling their way through the season with a 6-7 record and are hopeful that they can make a run in the playoffs.

“We are hoping to continue to improve on what we have already accomplished,” Head Coach Pagel said. “We have an uphill battle to the playoffs but our hopes are high.

Boys Basketball

The boys played a tough season, but were able to keep a winning record with 12 wins compared to only 7 losses.

“The season didn’t have the result we wanted but we accomplished a lot as a team that this school has never done before,” senior Jacob Ries said.

Girls Basketball

The Lady Lions ended this season with a winning record of 19-9, making it to State playoffs and proving that being a young team does not mean they are any less competition.

“This was an even bigger accomplishment factoring in how young we are, graduating only two seniors and having three players ending the season with injuries,” Head Coach Appel said. “Going into next year we have a lot of optimism as we have almost everyone returning, including all five starters.”


Finishing 12th in the state, the boys didn’t make the top 10 as they had hoped, but persevered through all the injuries and trials this season held keeping their heads high.

“We will be a young team next year, but that doesn’t change our expectations, just means we have to put in more work,” Head Coach Hare said. “The off season program has changed slightly, and the boys will be held accountable for their commitment to the program.”

Spirit Line

The girls kept a positive influence throughout the whole year, encouraging every team to push through their game and building up the crowd.

“My girls did a great job this year, and I am proud of all of them,” Head Coach Starks said. “Unfortunately, I wish we had a better outcome at Nationals because one mistake can take away everything since they only get one shot at wowing the judges.”


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